Thursday, March 31, 2011

Philosophical blah blah.

If you switch the letters of "fast" around you get fats. Coincidence? I don't think so. It just tells you not to FUCK up.

Have you noticed hunger takes on certain stages?
1. Yeah, that sounds good, I could eat it.
2. Oh man, I'm hungry. My tummy-box is so grumbly!
3. Fuck I feel like I'm gonna puke.
4. Headaches.
6. Everything STILL sounds so good, but I know I wouldn't actually eat it and lose control.
7. Empty. Perfect.

Has anyone else noticed this? Or just me?

I don't have class tomorrow. I still have to get up for work though at 630.

"The air that we breathe is so polluted by mistrust that it almost chokes us."
"No one is responsible for all the injustice and suffering in the world."
"It is infinitely easier to suffer with others than to suffer alone."

Feminist heartbroken philosophy from one of my favorites, Simone de Beauvoir, and her The Second Sex.
"Even in Russia, women still are women."
"They [women] have no past, no history, no religion of their own."
"Women are not in the wrong when they decline to accept the rules laid down for them, since the men make these rules without consulting them."
"The most sympathetic of men never fully comprehend women's concrete situation."

"The word love has by no means the same sense for both sexes... Man's love is of man's life a thing apart; 'Tis woman's whole existence."
"Even on their knees before a mistress, what they still want is to take possession of her."
"For woman, on the contrary, love is to relinquish everything for the benefit of the master... She will humble herself to nothingness before him. Love becomes for her like a religion..."
"Most women dream of a grand-amour, a soul-searing love."
"They will not yield to a man unless they believe they are deeply loved."

"A woman must have a considerable amount of cynicism, indifference, or pride to regard physical relations as an exchange of pleasure by which each partner benefits equally."
"... It is woman who generally feels that her partner is using her as an instrument. Nothing but high admiration can compensate for the humiliation of an act that she considers a defeat."

"She is seldom wholly satisfied even if she has felt the orgasm, she is not set completely free of the spell of her flesh; her desire continues in the form of affection. In giving her pleasure, the man increases her attachment, he does not liberate her. As for him, he no longer desires her..."
"The center of the world is no longer the place where she is, but that occupied by her lover."
""I am Heathcliffe," says Catherine in Wuthering Heights; that is the cry of every woman in love; she is another incarnation of her loved one, his reflection, his double: she is he. She lets her own world collapse in contingence, for she really lives in his."

"He isn't worth all that love.
"It is a searing disappointment to the woman to discover the faults, the mediocrity of her idol."
"If he is no longer adored, he must be trampled on."

"In a state of uncertainty, every woman is a rival, a danger. Love destroys the possibility of friendship with other women because the woman in love is shut off in her lover's universe; jealousy increases her isolation..."
"And so, instead of the union sought for, the woman in love knows the most bitter solitude there is."
"... love represents in its most touching form the curse that lies heavily upon woman confined in the feminine universe, woman mutilated, insufficient unto herself."

Nietzsche's The Gay Science.
"[Women's love] is not only devotion, it is a total gift of body and soul, without reservation, without regard for anything whatsoever."
"As for man, if he loves a woman, what he wants is that love from her."

Ecce Homo:
"The perfect woman tears to pieces when she loves."

Soren Kierkegaard's Works of Love:
"Hate is a love which has become its opposite, a ruined love."
"I wonder if a heart torn asunder is stronger than a whole, undivided heart."
"If one were to say, "Either love or die," and thereby signify that life without loving is not worth living, we should say he is absolutely right." 


  1. Love the post. Also, you nailed the stages of hunger. And stage number seven? Perfection? It is totally worth getting beyond stages 1-6. <3

  2. It makes everything worth it. :D <33333
