Wednesday, March 30, 2011

God damn it.

I'm just so fucking mad.
My internet connection won't work. It works everywhere EXCEPT my dorm hall, and EVERYONE ELSE'S WORKS JUST FUCKING FINE.

And Ive been to our tech center 8 times. Literally. Nope.
So I have to use this long cable thigggy that connects to a different network and such and blah. There isnt anything they can do, so I just have to use this huge, bulky vestigial [but not really] piece of shit.

I'm just cranky. At least it works.
And the guy that helped me the first couple of times was really cute. The second one was okay. The third one not so much. And not the last one.

I think I'm gonna go for a 7 day fast next week.
Start Sunday/maybe Saturday. I might be able to sleep through lunch on sunday, then I can use band as an excuse for dinner.
Then Monday I'm "meeting with a classmate to give them details on the class they missed."
Sleeping through dinner on Tuesday.
Dinner with a friend on Weds.
Sleeping thursday.
And then I still need an excuse for friday. I'm thinking I'll be going out to dinner with some clubbies.
Then Saturday I start the 30 hour famine, so that takes care of Saturday/Sunday.

145.8 this morning. BLAH.

Had 2 glasses of chocolate soy milk so far. 350 cals[ max, better safe than sorry.]

Ate. I'm going to go purge. Then I'll probably take a nap.

Remind me to tell you about goddamnfucking elle. Bitch please.
I'l be back laterrr

My roommate does this thing where she calls/receives calls on her top bunk while I'm sleeping on my bottom bunk.
Its really annoying. Anyway. Up from my nap.
I didn't purge enough.

I feel MASSIVE. I don't even want to put my weight up right now, and I'm hoping It's mostly liquids I didn't purge.

At dinner, Elle kept looking at my plate. It's not like I had a gross amount of food. It was the same amount of stuff on her plate. [And hers was full of SUPER high cal stuff, PLUS she went back to get a CUP FULL of ice cream, which she then added orange juice too]
She kept peeking over, then she texted my roommate and said to go walk up with her to get dessert.

She was talking about me. Obviously. [Or maybe I'm just being paranoid]
What the FUCK did she have to say that she couldn't say while I was there?
Fucking bitch. God damn it.
Then I went and purged.
She makes me more angry every day.

Baked lays. fuck my life.
Jordan is bringing them up in an hour.
I wont be able to resist, and I know it.

That 7 day fast is DEFINITELY going to happen.
No exceptions.
1 AM
Just kidding. He never came back.

Which is both good and bad.
Right now I want them sooo fucking bad, I'm pissed.
I know that tomorrow, when I have rational thinking back, I'll be glad.

So it's for the best.

I want to eat everything ever right now. I just posted a ton of food porn on PT. Haha
More more more!
Ladies and gents, I'll be there all night.
[Probably not though.]


  1. woohoo! I wish i could do a 7 day fast, I dont think I could at this point, way to go. keep all of us readers posted!



  2. I've made it 5 days, so I want to set myself a new record.
