Saturday, March 26, 2011

I sound like an alcoholic.

Jeeze. Oh well.
I drank again last night [and going to tonight, too]. It's college. What can I say? Haha
Anywayyy. I had a blast. Everything was the funniest thing in the world.

But... I ate WAY too much. And I don't even remember eating. I just thought, "Well, I already fucked up today. Fuck it."

147 this morning. UGHHHH
Bruised some more.
Slept through lunch.

I'm off to go cleannn.
I just talked to my grandmother on facebook. She said something about how she was talking to a coworker, Cindy, and Cindy said she talked to me at the Swing Dance a few weeks ago [true] and she didn't recognize me at first, because of how much weight ive lost. Then my grandmother said "She said you looked really good..."
Uh-oh. DIVERSION. I asked her about quilting. Haha
Binged. Purged. Done.
My eyes hurt. I'm tired. My head hurts. I'm afraid I'm getting dehydrated. I just feel like shit.
This might be the first night Ive puked from drinking.
Might be for the best. Especially after how much Ive eaten.
Maybe puking Peanut butter after drinking isnt as bad as self inducing it.

1 comment:

  1. :l

    but, lol at the diversion! "I asked here about quilting"

    tut tut!

    have a great week, x.
