Tuesday, March 8, 2011

bitch bitch bitch

At dinner Elle said to me "If your teeth hurt so much why are you drinking diet coke?" then my roomie sat down and she said some bitchy comment about how I was a dumbass for drinking diet coke and how it was corroding my teeth.

No, you bitch. Diet coke isn't really my problem. I've cut back. A lot.
Purging is my problem.
I purge 80% of what I eat. THAT'S my problem. What now?

She sat in out dining center for FOUR HOURS today. GOD knows how much she ate.
And then she bitches about the paper she's been working on for the last two weeks, and how she only has FOUR pages our of her eight done.
Whatever. Stop bitching and actually get it done.

Arghhhhh I'm just so sick of her right now.

Edit: Went to the gym and burned [only] 325 cals. Better than nothing, I guess. Going again tomorrow.
The store closes in half an hour. I just need to wait that long, and then I can't binge. I have nothing to binge on.

I'm going home this weekend, and my mom will be gone half the time I'm there. I think I might be able to manage a fast from Friday to monday. We'll see. I'm worried about Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon.
We'll see.

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