Saturday, March 19, 2011


[Disclaimer: OP has regressed to the age of 13. All that follows is mindless gushing about a cute boy.]

OH my god. Soooo adorable. He has this smile that is just to DIE for, and hes sleek and suave and oh so italian.
His name sounds like Jock-omo [I dont want to post the spelling for privacy reasons I guess] and Sylvia. It just sounds exotic and lovely. Like an ideal IT couple. The relationship everyone wants. We could be Jockvia. Like an exotic country. Hahahaha
Oh god. I feel like Im 13. = ]

Hes just so cute and so sexy and so fucking hot. He's warm and well toned and gentle. He seems like he genuinely cares. And we have SOOO much in common. Hes really into photography and we both love art [specifically surrealist art, with a hate for Dada art] and we've taken the same art class. We both came to this college for the same reason, and we have similar moral values and philosophies. He completely accepts and admires that Im vegan, and he's great at music [Hes better at theory than I am, I completely SUCK at music theory] but I can guess tempos better than he can, which was really cute. I would guess a number, and he would guess one close to mine just to spite me. Haha

we just cuddled and talked for like, an hour after everyone left. It was amazing. He wants to have dinner soon. I want to ask him about Wednesday [IS THAT TOO SOON?! HELP!] and if that will work.
I told him I put my number in his phone and he was really confused as to when I did it and teased me about how I probably mixed up my number with his moms or something. It was cute and funny. = ]

Then just out of the blue, he asked me if I liked making out on a whim, and of course, so we did. It was hot. He didnt shave that day, so he was all scratchy and it was AMAZING and soooo hot. = D
And nothing happened other than that. It was so nice just being able to hard core make out with someone and not have them expect a blowjob or anything. THAT hasnt happened in forever.
He told me how pretty and how beautiful and how hot I was and before I left we kissed again and he said "god, I love that. I love kissing you." He's so sweet. = ] and after I left, he texted me to say good night, and sleep well. = ]

So he wants to see me again eventually, and he might come to dinner with me and my friends tomorrow. I HOPE SO. And I hope he drunk texts me tonight. -crosses fingers- I saw him earlier today when we went to go get one of our friends who was hanging out in Jocomo's room [he doesnt have a roomate]. He smiled at me and, I know its cliche, but I MELTED. Gahhhhhh = ]

I'm worried. He's almost too perfect. I feel fat and clumsy and ugly and just not good enough for him.
Why did he pick me?
Ughhhh I need to lose more weight, fast.

1 comment:

  1. damn, i'm so behind on your blog I only just found this! JEALOUS much??!!! I wish I was you right about now. Everyone has their perfect match, maybe he is yours?
