Monday, April 18, 2011

Judas-judah-ah. SGD? Yes.

I changed stuff around again. Of course you noticed.
I don't have a favorite color. I think If I did it would be green. I like green just a little bit more than any other color.
Now I have more color but still a lack of it? I don't know what I'm trying to say.

I have to study for a test. more later.
Okayyy. Test went decently. I think I passed at least. Also, I got my Archaeology paper back today. It was only 6 pages instead of 8, and I bullshitted most of it, but I STILL GOT A B-.
Awwww yeah. Like a boss. = ]

After my test I went into the cafeteria and had half a roll [estimated 50 cal? Better safe than sorry] and three glasses of Diet Coke. Hum hum hum.
Then I got really freakishly cold and had crazy chills so I left.

I think I'm going to fast until Saturday at 145 [exactly 120 hours] and do the skinny girl diet from there.
I think I can do it. Hum hum hum. So it's supposed to start on a monday [today] and the red days are supposed to be weekends, which works really well for me. So I'll break my fast on saturday, which I will be home for and my mom has off so 650 is quite doable.

This is weird. I normally don't do "diets." I did part of the ABC, but only made it like, 11 days. SGD has a higher success rate.

The rules are: Fruits and veggies don't count, so as many as you want for those. [I'm not sure how I will follow that, but it works for days when I am forced to eat out and such.]
Work out at least 30 min 5x a week So I'm gonna try for that, but I dont know how THAT will work either. I dont have gym access at home, so we'll see I guess.
Any extra calories MUST be burnt out in cardio. I like that but again, no gym access so I don't know how I will count that accurately. I'll try.

Hum hum hum. We'll see. I'd pick the ABC, but the counts for the weekends are too low, and its for 50 days instead of 30. Hm.

I think I will do this one and just add fasting whenever I can. I might add a few B/P days too. We'll seeee. = ]

So tonight I'm going to be at Target for dinner, shopping and such. I'm gonna take my time.
Tomorrow I'm having a "study session" for the "Archaeology Final" which we're meeting for dinner for. I have to convince Jordan to come back Weds night so I can tell him I'll eat at home with my family and tell them I already ate. Thursday I'm having dinner with a friend. Friday we're partying. Saturday I won't get up until late, so I dont have to eat until 2. Then 650 that day and 650 on Sunday [Easter]. I think I can get by with salad or something? Or maybe I'll bring a low cal vegan dish to share. We'll seeeee.

I feel much better now. I also feel bad for you if you actually read that. Haha.
I feel sooooo much more in control again. FINALLY. And I dont feel as shitty today, so I think fasting will go fine.

ALSO. FASTING RULES. Water/diet coke ONLY. Calorie drinks are NOT okay, unless I feel like I'm in imminent danger. Alcohol cals don't count.

Hum hum hum. I think I'll go on PT for a while, then I'm offfff. More later most likely.
Went shopping. I found out my new jean size.
My favorite pair right now are pretty big on me. They are size 11.
I was going through clothes and I found out my new size is 6.

Shit son! Goddamn! I dont think Ive EVER been a size six!
Anywayyyy. I went through clothes. I looked at food for a long time. I went home and told Jordan I went to Taco Bell. I went to the cafeteria with him because he tricked me and told me he had relationship news to tell me.

It was lame. I had 3 glasses of Diet Coke. [Success]
Then we inventoried our booze and determined we have enough to party tomorrow night.
Crazy kids getting crunk on a tuesday. Haha

Then I showered and started packing/cleaning.
Elle was in our room. She STILL HAS MY FUCKING TANK TOP. God DAMN it!
SO I was awkwardly cleaning/packing AROUND all the shit my roommate has lying EVERYWHERE, and then she started packing a little, and then left with Elle to go somewhere [I dont care where] and left shit and boxes and paper and clothes EVERYWHERE. So I cleaned a bunch of that shit up.

Maybe more later? I dont know.
Going to bed soon I think.
I just ate a bunch of a fruit and nut mix. I'm pretty pissed but I'm not going to beat myself up TOO hard [literally lol] because I'm still under 400 for today. I think.

I'm a fuck up. I fuck up EVERYTHING. Fuck.
110 is still even enough I guess. Sigh.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 

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