Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy easter I guess.

I don't celebrate it. Sooo. Not personally at least. I mean, my mom always makes me an easter basket that she hides, but I think its more out of tradition than anything else.

I believe Jesus existed, and was crucified and was a prophet and such.
The son of god? No.
He rose? No.
God exists? No.

There is too much suffering in the world for me to believe anyone could let that happen.
Too many unanswered prayers.
I gave up my religion longgggg ago.

I'm staying at my old house tonight.
My parents are divorced.
My mom and I left after abuse and hate and a lot of bad shit went down.

It was bad.
I finally convinced her to move out. Either way I was leaving. Alone or with her didn't matter to me.
I told her I couldnt stay there. She said she would leave with me. My parents had had marriage problems almost all my life. Her moving out wasnt anything new or anything.

They divorced about a year later.

Anyway, after we moved out [we live in an apartment and she still has her terrible, $20,000/year job she got after we left] the house we used to live in went to shit.

Like, bad. You hear horror stories about disgusting houses? Yeah. This is worse.
I went to sit on a couch downstairs once and my brother told me "I wouldn't sit there if I were you." I asked him why not and he said "I think theres a dead mouse under there."

I clean it everytime I'm there. I just cleaned off the staircase. They throw all their dirty clothes right onto the stairs. No, I agree. It doesn't make any sense. So I picked them all off and swept it off.
I had half a plastic bag full of shit when I was done.

Anyway. I took a shower before cleaning the stairs.

I was afraid to touch it. The walls were like, black. Ugh.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't been cleaned since I did it when I was there like, a year and a half ago.

Gross. Everything is mouldy and black and just gross.
The sink? it's supposed to be white. Its brown.

No clean cups.
The sink and table are both full of dirty dishes.
The fridge smells like shit.
The stove is covered in crap.
The floor is also supposed to be white.

Nope. Dirt is literally, CAKED onto the ground. Ugh. Disgusting.
Half the lightbulbs need to be changed.
No cleaning supplies of course.

The broom is full of hair.
Cobwebs are everywhere. There is not a clean corner in the house.
The curtains haven't been washed since I did it last summer.

My dad and brother just went to bed upstairs, so cleaning the bathroom is TECHNICALLY out. I don't want to wake them but ugh.....


Also. I'm fat.
Happy easter everyone.
I did laundry. God damn it. My brother is a little shit. Like, seriously.
I was changing the laundry fro the washer to the dryer and I literally found SHIT in the washer.

Goddamn it. Washing THAT all again. Fuck.

And I went up to find cleaning supplies for the shower, and my dad came out and asked me what I was looking for, and I said a sponge and he said "Don't have any."
Are. You. Joking.

Fuck that. I'll just sit on PT all night I guess.
Fuck. Maybe I'll get up early and clean while theyre all at church and shit.


Also, my older sister's mattress that Im sitting on has springs sticking out of it ALL OVER. Ive already been scratched twice.
NOW he wants to party.
Off to go celebrate the RISING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Lol.

More laterr maybe?

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