Well shit I feel like I have had no internet in forever. It's probably just because so much shit went down this weekend.
It hasnt actually been that long. I'll start from where I left off I guess. [Fuck, I have such a headache right now.]
We went and drank a bunch before the concert. G came in for a bit. I've seen a lot of him this weekend. We talked to him briefly in the hallway in Friday, too. Then we chatted very briefly at lunch this morning.
Anyway, we got pretty wasted and went to the concert. I was pretty far gone. Like, rolling on the floor gone.
When I get really drunk, floors are the most comfortable thing in the world. And rolling around on them is even better. I think I'm secretly a cat.
[Fuck fuck fuck. my head hurts so bad. I feel like im gonna vomit.]
So we went to the concert and chatted with a bunch of people. Danced a bit. It was really fucking hot, so I took my shirt off so I was just wearing my tank top [gross, I know].
I dont remember if OK Go was good or not. lol. I think they were.
We ended up leaving a few songs before the end of their set.
We were going to go to a party over at one of my friend's friend's house, so we went and saw him and ended up not going I guess.
Soooo we went to Nick's again who I had sex with again. I'll elaborate in a minute.
Before we left to go visit my friend [I had some of his beer, too. ick. I hate beer.] we [my roommate and my friend T] were waiting for stupid fucking Elle to get her shit together, which took forever like always. Anyway, I ended up arguing with my roomie about her. I dont remember exactly what we said, but I was really fucking pissed, and we were talking about the HUGE bitch move she did [making out with a love interest of mine AFTER I left, and then not telling me about it] and my roommate was DEFENDING HER.
Fuck that shit. Are you kidding me? There is nothing to defend. It was a bitch move and it STILL fucking pisses me off. Like, a lot. And I know I said something about how I didnt want her to come, and my roomie said I was trying to start drama and then I got MORE pissed.
Bahhhh anyway.
Then Elle wanted to bring ANOTHER friend, so we had a total of 3 more people going than I wanted. Jordan invited my roomie, who invited Elle, who invited Sam. So I didn't try very hard to get them to the one party, so that didnt work out.
Then we didn't have enough DD's for everyone to go, so the three of them didn't end up going to the party [YESSSSS]
So we were driving there, and my friend Dane hadnt been drinking yet, so he drove. T was done drinking so she was gonna drive back. Actually. I dont remember getting in the car. I remember leaving the house, but not getting in the car. Hum.
Anyway, Dane was driving and a cop pulled us over on the way there. She stopped us because dane "didnt stop" at the stop sign we just went through [BULL FUCKING SHIT. He DID stop!]. She asked if we had been drinking and of COURSE we said no. And then she said "So if I made you all take a breathalyzer you would all blow zeros?" and we said yes and I was freaking out a bit. lol. We ARE minors. Anyway, T said that we were coming back from a restaurant, and she has no record of anything [it was her car] so we think thats why the cop let us off.
Hahahaha I love this next part.
We went to Nick's and Jordan and I saw a guy there we went to high school with, which was really crazy.
Then hahahaha we played truth or dare. Jordan has an app on his phone that is a naughty truth or dare game.
I dont remember most of them, but one was I had to trade a clothing item with a guy, so nick ended up wearing my tank top and I was wearing his shirt.
Then. BAHAHAHA WIN. This one really cute guy had to take off my bra and I had to go braless all night.
Holy shit.
I've never had my bra removed so quickly. It was like BAM! YOURE GONE!.
Shit. I dont think
I could take it off that fast. It was insane. Fuck. It took, literally, about a second.
Then I don't remember anything until Nick and I went to go have sex.
It was okay. I was pretty drunk.
The aftermath though: I have four HUGE hickeys on my neck, and one on my shoulder. Also, I feel like I just rode a bike for miles. Haha. I'm pretty sore. ;] And part of my lip is purple.
We left shortly after that, and went to bed at about 4.
Woke up at 11 to get ready for an abortion clinic fundraiser. It was a bowling thing and we all had team names. We were the "Mama Grizzlys" which is what Sarah Palin calls herself I guess. Anyway, we dressed up like housewives. It was cute. I have a picture...
There. I made it all big and stuff. I like how my arm looks in this one. My legs and tummy are disgusting. Left to right is:
Fat fucking bitch Elle, her "boyfriend?" Theyre together but not officially. Then my roommate, then me, then my BFF jordan. = ]
Anyway, that was pretty fun. Jordan got a really hot gay guy's number. Its cute. = ]
I had a strange thought while I was there. there was this girl there and her arm was as big as my thigh. no joke. But I still felt fatter than her. Blarg.
Then we got back at about 545, and I had to get ready to be at my concert at 630. I showered and got out of the shower at 613, and rushed to get ready. The concert went okay I guess. I could have done better.
I only knew two people that went. Of course my roommate and fucking Elle couldnt go. But when I dont go to something for them, they get all pissed. Fuck that shit.
So now I'm typing this with a terrible hangover. Still. My head feels like its going to explode and I feel like Im going to puke.
Shit shit shit.
Also, I'm still fucking huge.
I skipped dinner, same tomorrow hopefully.
goddddd I feel like shit.
I went to "sleep" for two hours, but I woke up to take some aspirin. [I just took six, so I should be fine soon]
Fuck. I ate everything though. So much for this fasting shit.
I might just make this a heavy restricting week.
We'll see how I feel tomorrow I guess.
You all.
Are the best people ever.
haylee0x [PT member] posted a goodbye on her tumblr after she took a whole bottle of antidepressants.
diNOSdavey saw it and posted a thread on PT. They were able to locate her and called the police, who got in contact with her grandfather who gave them her address. They called her father, who found her unconscious with the empty bottle, and they called an ambulance.
She's fine now.
This is just so amazing, and one of the thousand reasons I love everyone on PT so much.
You guys are fucking awesome. I'm so proud of you.
We don't hear about a lot of member deaths, which is MORE than awesome. For people who have such high depression levels, we do fucking awesome.
I love youuuu. = ] <3
I'm going to bed now.
One more thing.
My ass? Feels awesome right now. I dont know if it was the sex, or walking in hells all day, but it feels great. Haha. RANDOMMMM. = ]
Dont you have anything better to be doing?