Thursday, February 17, 2011


FINALLY. I'm skipping my religion class tomorrow. I just want to go home. I want to be alone.
I just feel really depressed. I just want to be alone. I want to sit here in the dark and cry, but there are like, 100 other people in my room right now. Watching a stupid show I hate. ITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY. GO AWAY.
I want to go home. I planned out my suicide in the shower earlier. I'm not going to do it. Calm down. I can't do that to my brother. But if I did [and I would let you know. Calm down.] I know how I would do it.
It was depressing. I can't stop thinking about it. I just want to sleep forever.
I'm so tired. I feel so sad. It's probably just that time in my cycle. I just need a break. I'll be better later.
Whenever I think about suicide a lot, I just tell myself to see how I feel in a week. See if things get better.
and I feel like a bitch for saying it, but I'm kinda glad Paula isn't coming with us this weekend. I just need time to myself. I need to be alone.

I was just wearing shorts. I feel so fucking huge I want to cry. My weight is at 155, so I shouldn't feel so shitty. I remember this time last month I would have DANCED if I knew I was this weight. Now I'm just depressed.
I just feel  huge. and terrible. and shitty.
I need to be alone and I need to fast. And to run like 4,000 miles.
That might help.

I'm going to be at home from tomorrow afternoon to next sunday. I don't have internet access at home, so I'm not going to be posting very much.  I'll post when I can.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sorry, you feel so sad and shitty, that really sucks.
    I know you said you wouldn't, but I keep planning my own and then I end up hurting myself. Really. Planning it out really isn't a good start.

    I also know what you mean by being so tired ^^. Sleeping never helps which is shitty because you never feel any better. Totally hope you feel better later, you deserve it =)

    Feeling huge is sucky too, and 155 is excellent! Don't feel shitty about it, you're doing great.

    Are you pleased to be going home? It's nice to get breaks sometimes.

    Take care
