Saturday, April 2, 2011

My face hurts.

But it's probably killing you! Hah.
But really. Between tanning, and both of the men [who were pretty beardy] my face just kinda stings.

Woke up at 330 this afternoon to my roomie eating chips. I joined her on the futon. Haha. We demolished a bag. It was so yummy. And I have to get them away before tomorrow.

7 day fast.
I've got this. It'll be fine. I'll be fine.

I fucked a guy I just met.
I've never done that before. Sigh. Oh well. One minute we were making out, then his face was in my vag, then his pants were off, then we were fucking. He kept telling me how hot I was and how amazing and cute and pretty. It was sweet. He was a good size. I've had bigger, and I've had smaller.
Oh wellll. I'm a whore.
What can you do.

Our ride left when I was off with him, so we called a friend who came and picked us up. Ahhhh I love her. <3 She's so nice. = ]

Anyway, then we went back and I ended up making out with the other guy, and we were feeling each other up and junk and it was hot. Haha.
I think I'll text him and see if he wants to get coffee sometime later this week.
No food of course, fasting.


I didn't weigh myself this morning, so I don't know the number. My abs and tummy area feels awesome today though. So maybe thats a good sign?

If I was hotter, I'd totally be the stripper at the party. Oops? Oh well.
I did a good job. My clothes stayed on [in public]
10 PM
Going to repeat last night. Again.
Both men will be there. Again.

Done eating at 12.

I'm probably gonna strangle her.

1 comment:

  1. holy...dang, getting busy! ahah But I'm glad you seem to feel somewhat good about your stomach.
    Good luck with the fast and try to be safe. xx
