Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nobel Peace Prize Forum.

I ate wayyyyy too much.

There was this lady who talked about being a judge in Iran and being kicked off just because she was a woman. She protested a lot, and got thrown in jail. She wrote a book. It was really cool, because it was a live interview and she didn't speak English very well so she had her interpreter right next to her. It was really cool.

I went to a group discussion in gender identity Friday night. It was really interesting and eye opening because there were a few different gender identity students there, and they talked about how people [like me] are really accepting about homosexuality, but don't really think about transgender people. Like, they brought up the lack of gender identity bathrooms, and how it's so awkward for them to use a public bathroom, because both sexes look at them weird. It was really eye opening, because it was something I HADN'T really thought about before.

This morning, I went to three sessions. The first was a session on the Arts and how important it is to keep up morale in times like war and depression.

The second one was about the environment and sustainability. Did you know Hershey's is the largest producer of chocolate that uses sweatshop workers? And switching to a local band versus a large bank is better for you local economy? They called it breaking up with your bank, and I never really saw where I banked as a large impact in my community.

The last one was about a group that helps build irrigation systems in Ethiopia.

The closing session is what was MIND BLOWING.

Eboo Patel, author of the book, "Acts of Faith" and the founder of the Youth Interfaith group based in Chicago spoke. Gahhhh it was so good. It moved me to the point of tears. SO GOOD. He talked about interfaith and gave examples of how people got along. He told his own stories about being a Muslim and not reaching out to other religions, and he told stories of Ghandi, people at his conferences, and even events as recent as Egypt, where Christians and Muslims protected each other during times of prayer.
IT WAS SO GOOD. It really encouraged me to not only go back and reread his book, but to work to build stronger interfaith relationships with everyone.

ON THE DOWNSIDE. I ate soooo much. I am up 3 lbs right now. UGH. And on facebook, the exbf and the bitchface are being disgusting. I will relate it here. GAG.
Bitchface: I killed your dog.
Actually, that's a lie. I just wanted something really dramatic to say to you over facebook. ..... .... ...... ..
(also, that face is a Sex Drive reference. so. you're welcome.) BYE BYE NOW!

Ex: Ha cute. Yes, I still think of that face all the time. :) I hope you have a better day and you should really get out there sometime soon and get your name in EVERYWHERE. You will be glad you did, sweetie.

Bitchface: Probably because it's the greatest face ever. Everytime I make a shocked face, I think of it. But no one else gets it. And yeah yeah yeah, I will. But hopefully I'll be getting that tutoring one! The app said it was closed, but my dad talked to the lady who does the hiring and she said they haven't filled the position and to check next week and if it's still 'closed', she's going to give me a number to call. So I might have a good shot at this! Then I could probably even get by with not working May-August. SUMMER!
That was really long..

Ha ha...I like that you comment that it was too long, but it adds a whole other comment. cute. In terms of work though, I still think you should have at least a part-time job, sweetie. It's nice to save up for when you need it. But yes, I hope the tutoring thing works out. That would be sweet!!!
And the thought of you doing the face is unbearably cute to me. You're adorable. :)

Bitchface: Oh, you shush :P And yeah, I might even just pick up some hours at Walmart during the day still if it's possible :)
Why thank you :D

GAG.  GROSS. DISGUSTING. Now I feel just. Ugh. Ruined my awesome day. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god! Shoot me. I don't even know these people and I want to puke. Shit like that is for emails and phone calls, don't make FB friends read that crap. I'd recommend unfriending them, but I am friends with my Exs too so I can keep tabs on them.

    Just remember that while they are being fakely romantic for everyone to see and gawk over, you were spending the weekend learning how to make the world a better place. It's pretty easy to see who the better person is here.
